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中国世界文化遗产名录的英文翻译谁告诉?亚洲及太平洋地区 (中 国) CHINA ■长城The Great Wall 1987 ■明清皇宫(北京故宫、沈阳故宫)Imperial Palace 1987 ■泰山Mount Taishan 1987 ■莫高窟Mogao Caves 1987 ■秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor1987 ■周口店北京人遗址1Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 1987 ■黄山 Mount Huangshan 1990 ■承德避暑山庄及周围庙宇 Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde 1994 ■曲阜孔庙孔林孔府 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 1994 ■武当山古建筑群 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains 1994 ■拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa 1994 ■庐山国家公园 Lushan National Park 1996 ■峨嵋山风景名胜区(还包括乐山蒙山) Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area 1996 ■临汾古城 Ancient City of Ping Yao 1997 ■苏州古典园林 Classical Gardens of Suzhou 1997 ■丽江古城 Old Town of Lijiang 1997 ■颐和园 Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing 1998 ■北京天坛 Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing 1998 ■武夷山 Mount Wuyi 1999 ■云阳石刻 Dazu Rock Carvings 1999 ■青城山—都江堰 Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System 2000 ■皖南古城:西递和宏村 Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun 2000 ■龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes 2000 ■明清皇家陵寝 Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 2000 ■云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes 2001 ■云南保护区的「三江并流」Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas 2003 ■古代高句丽王国的王城及王陵 Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom 2004 ■澳门历史城区 The Historic Centre of Macao 2005 ■中国安阳殷墟 2006 ■开平碉楼与村落Kaiping Diaolou and Villages 2007 ■华南卡斯特地质South China Karst 2007 ■福建土楼Fujian Tulou 2008 ■三清山大自然公园Mount Sanqingshan National Park 2008 (柬埔寨) CAMBODIA ■吴哥窟区 Angkor1992 (孟加拉) BANGLADESH ■巴凯尔哈特清真寺历史名城 Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat 1985 ■帕哈尔普尔的佛教毗诃罗遗址 Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur 1985 (杨家 挝) LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ■琅勃拉邦的古城 Town of Luang Prabang 1995 ■占巴塞文化风景区 Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape 2001 (就越 南) ■升龙历史建筑群Complex of Hue Monuments 1993 ■圣子修道院My Son Sanctuary 1999 ■不会福古镇Hoi An Ancient Town 1999 (阿富汗) AFGHANISTAN ■查姆回教寺院尖塔和考古遗址Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam 2002 ■巴米扬谷文化景观和考古遗址Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley 2003 (澳大利亚) AUSTRALIA ■皇家展览馆和卡尔顿园林Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 2004 (日 本)JAPAN ■法隆寺地区的佛教古迹Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area 1993 ■姬路城Himeji-jo 1993 ■古代京都历史古迹(京都、宇治和大津城)Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) 1994 ■白川乡和五屹山历史村座Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama 1995 ■广岛和平纪念公园(原爆遗址)Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) 1996 ■严岛神殿Itsukushima Shinto Shrine 1996 ■古代镰仓的历史遗迹Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara 1998 ■日光的神殿与庙宇Shrines and Temples of Nikko 1999 ■琉球王国时期的遗迹Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu 2000 ■纪伊山脉胜地和朝圣路线以及周围的文化景观 2004 (朝 鲜) ■高句丽古墓群 2004 (伊 朗) IRAN, Islamic Republic of ■恰高·占到比尔(神塔和建筑群)Tchogha Zanbil 1979 ■波斯波利斯Persepolis 1979 ■伊斯法罕王侯广场Meidan Emam, Esfahan 1979 ■塔赫特苏莱曼Takht-e Soleyman 2003 ■帕萨尔加德Pasargadae 2004 ■巴姆城堡 Bam Cultural Landscape 2004 (印 度) INDIA ■阿旃陀石窟群Ajanta Caves 1983 ■埃洛拉(埃卢鲁)石窟群Ellora Caves 1983 ■亚格拉古堡Agra Fort 1983 ■泰姬·玛哈尔Taj Mahal 1983 ■科纳拉克太阳神庙Sun Temple, Konarak 1984 ■默哈伯林斯勒姆古迹群Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram 1984 ■果阿教堂和修道院Churches and Convents of Goa 1986 ■卡杰拉霍建筑群Khajuraho Group of Monuments 1986 ■汉皮古迹群Group of Monuments at Hampi 1986 ■法塔赫布尔西格里Fatehpur Sikri 1986 ■帕塔达卡尔建筑群Group of Monuments at Pattadakal 1987 ■埃勒凡塔石窟Elephanta Caves 1987 ■坦贾武尔的布里哈迪斯瓦拉神庙Brihadisvara Temple, Thanjavur 1987 ■桑吉佛教古迹Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi 1989 ■德里的胡马雍陵Humayun's Tomb, Delhi 1993 ■德里的顾特卜塔及其古建筑Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi 1993 ■大吉岭喜马拉雅铁路Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1999 ■菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya 2002 ■温迪亚山脉的比莫贝卡兹石窟Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka 2003 ■贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉终点站Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) 2004 ■印度 尚庞-巴瓦加德考古公园 Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park 2004 (尼泊尔) NEPAL ■加德满都谷地Kathmandu Valley 1979 ■佛祖诞生地兰毗尼Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha 1997 (巴基斯坦) PAKISTAN ■摩亨佐达罗考古遗迹Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro 1980 ■塔克希纳 Taxila 1980 ■塔克特依巴依寺庙和萨尔依巴赫洛古遗址Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and Neighbouring City Remains at Sahr-i-Bahlol 1980 ■塔塔城的历史建筑Historical Monuments of Thatta 1981 ■拉合尔古堡和夏利玛尔公园Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore 1981 ■罗赫达斯堡垒Rohtas Fort 1997 (土库曼斯坦) TURKMENISTAN ■古代梅尔夫国家历史文化公园State Historical and Cultural Park 'Ancient Merv' 1999 (哈萨克斯坦) KAZAKHSTAN ■霍贾·艾哈迈德·亚萨维陵墓The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi 2003 ■泰姆格里考古景观岩刻 2004 (菲律宾) PHILIPPINES ■菲律宾巴洛克教堂Baroque Churches of the Philippines 1993 ■菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 1995 ■维甘历史古城Historic Town of Vigan 1999 (韩 国) REPUBLIC OF KOREA ■石窟庵和佛国寺Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple 1995 ■海印寺及八万大藏经藏经一处Haeinsa Temple, Janggyeong Pangeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks 1995 ■宗庙Jongmyo Shrine 1995 ■昌德宫建筑群Changdeokgung Palace Complex 1997 ■华松古堡Hwaseong Fortress 1997 ■庆州历史区Gyeongju Historic Areas 2000 ■高昌、华森和江华的史前墓遗址Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites 2000 (斯里兰卡) SRI LANKA ■阿努拉德普纳圣城Sacred City of Anuradhapura 1982 ■波隆纳鲁沃古城Ancient City of Polonnaruwa 1982 ■锡吉里那古城Ancient City of Sigiriya 1982 ■康提圣城Sacred City of Kandy 1988 ■加勒老城及其城堡Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications 1988 ■丹布勒金殿Golden Temple of Dambulla 1991 (泰 国) THAILAND ■素可泰历史城镇及涉及历史城镇Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns 1991 ■阿育他亚(大城)历史城及涉及城镇Historic City of Ayutthaya and Associated Historic Towns 1991 ■班清阿考古遗址Ban Chiang Archaeological Site 1992 (乌兹别克斯坦) UZBEKISTAN ■伊特察思·卡拉Itchan Kala 1990 ■布哈拉历史中心Historic Centre of Bukhara 1993 ■沙赫利苏伯兹历史中心Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz 2000 ■处在文化十字路口的撒马尔罕城Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures 2001 (蒙 古代) MONGOLIA ■鄂尔浑峡谷文化景观 2004 (印度尼西亚) INDONESIA ■婆罗浮屠寺庙群Borobudur Temple Compounds 1991 ■普兰巴南寺庙群Prambanan Temple Compounds 1991 ■桑义兰早期人类遗址Sangiran Early Man Site 1996参考资料:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4bbd57800100djrz.html?retcode=0“文化遗产”英语怎么说"Cultural heritage"例句全部cultural heritage1.这座历史建筑和这些画一样,都是留下我们的文化遗产的一部分。The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.中国的世界文化遗产中英文对照明清故宫(The Imperial Palace):文化遗产,1987年列为,北京市 颐和园(Summer Palace):文化遗产,1998年列为,北京市 天坛(Temple of heaven):文化遗产,1998年列为,北京市 长城(The Great Wall):文化遗产,1987年列为,北京市 周口店“北京人“遗址(Peking Man Site ai Zhoukoudian):文化遗产,1987年列为,北京市 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙(The Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples,Chengde):文化遗产,1994年列为,河北省 临汾古城(The Ancient City of Pingyao):文化遗产,1997年列为,山西省 曲阜孔庙孔林孔府(Temple and Cemetery of Confucius,and the Kong Family):文化遗产,1994年列为,山东省 敦煌莫高窟(Mogao Carves):文化遗产,1987年列为,甘肃省 云阳石刻(The Dazu Rock Carvings):文化遗产,重庆市 秦始皇陵(Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor):文化遗产,1987年列为,陕西省 苏州古曲园林(The Classical Cardens of Suzhou):文化遗产,1997年列为,江苏省 武当山古建筑群:文化遗产,1994年列为,湖北省 拉萨布达拉宫(The Potala Palace at Lhasa):文化遗产,1994年列为,西藏自治区 丽江古城(The Old Town of Lijiang):文化遗产,1997年列为,云南省 泰山(Mount Taishan):大自然与文化遗产,1987年列为,山东省 黄山(Mount Huangshan):大自然与文化遗产,1990年列为,安徽省 峨眉山-乐山蒙山风景名胜区:大自然与文化遗产,1996年列为,四川省 九寨沟风景名胜区(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遗产,1992年列为,四川省 黄龙风景名胜区(Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遗产,1992年列为,四川省 武陵源风景名胜区(Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遗产,1992年列为,湖南省 庐山风景名胜区(Lushan National Park):世界文化景观,1995年列为,江西省 武夷山风景名胜区(Mount Wuyi):大自然与文化遗产,1999年列为,福建省“世界非物质文化遗产”英语怎么说“世界非物质文化遗产”的英文翻译_百度翻译成“世界非物质文化遗产”Intangible cultural heritage of the world" 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译成用英语讲解文化遗产There are rich immaterial cultural heritage of mankind in China. While with the development of China’s economics and construction, a large number of immaterial cultural heritage are facing the danger of vanishing. So in recent years, Chinese governments at all levels enhance the protection. The immaterial cultural heritage announced by the government has already reached more than 500. On 30th September 2009, the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the immaterial cultural heritage of UNESCO considered and approved 76 projects in Abu Dhabi, including 22 projects of China: China’s mulberry silk art, Fujian Nanyin, Nanjing brocade, Anhui Xuan paper, The Dong Chorus, Guangdong opera, Gesar Epic, Zhejiang Longquan celadon, Qinghai Regong Art, Tibetan opera, Xinjiang Manas, the Mongolian Humai, Gansu Huaer, Xi'an drum music, farming dancing of Chaoxian nationality, calligraphy, seal cutting, paper cutting, engraving printing, the traditional wooden structure skill, Dragon Boating Festival, Mazu Folklore.文化遗产该不该修缮英语作文Cultural heritage is a very important resource. 1. It is an awareness of ancient civilizations important way to study an important resource for human civilization. 2. Cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development is the distinction between national or regional differences in other important reference. 3. Animal or plant can study the remains and other heritage of the history of the human body structure and better understand their own. 4. With regard to natural heritage allows us to recognize the difference between the present and ancient times, recognizing that they have on this environment on this planet caused much destruction, called on people to protect the earth. 5. Of course, there are ancient buildings, etc., let us insight into the unsurpassed wisdom of our ancestors, to succeed in life! In short, the cultural heritage of human development has an indelible impact, we should protect the cultural heritage, and actively repair the damaged heritage of human civilization and contribute to the development.文化遗产是很最重要的资源。